Marine Life Sciences


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Marine Life Sciences is a WHO-GMP-certified company manufacturing soft gels, external ointments, and creams for over two decades. We mark a good reputation for providing premium, high-end quality products to our valued customers.
We have set up our manufacturing facility at Himachal Pardesh, India to meet the fast-growing demands and acquired the expertise required for manufacturing of soft gel capsules.
Marine Life Science – The name you can trust. Meeting all your marketing and manufacturing needs efficiently for years.
Our expertise includes
  • Producing market-branded products and turnkey custom formulations.
  • Creating unique, high-value-added products.
  • Focusing on the production of capsules that are difficult to encapsulate, fragile in nature, and don’t absorb easily.
  • Developing new technologies that upgrade nutrient bioavailability and functionality over traditional delivery systems.
  • A distinctive formulation for ointments and creams for visible results in relieving pain, vanishing acne scars, effective fungal creams, etc.